The Spiral of Evolution: Today
Thank you @pixabay
Let yourself flow in the stream
Of love and intuition
Of uniqueness and co-creation
For you to create what you love.
Today, I express myself with an open heart, showing my vulnerability, and as that which I am.
Today, it is the "I am" who is writing.
The one that loves transparency and communication.
The one that loves you and that believes in each of your Power of Being, because everyone has the freedom to be who they are and to create what they love.
I am in love for life. I am in love for growth. I am you, and you are me, always.
I learn through exploring and experiencing, integrating the lessons through constant observation.
I am not the creator of what I create - the Positive iMPACT Movement. I am in mere service to what it is (to become).
I am a flexible and open person; I continuously am learning to listen to my inner guidance and to discover new experiences that are guiding me into what this Movement is.
This makes me think of the spiral of evolution, the Spiral of Positive iMPACT, going back to certain points of time where PiMOV existed in this way, but where I was not ready for it and let myself be guided by the external world.
Leaving everything behind, changing PiMOV to adjust to other's needs and requirements, and letting some members leave because I was not listening to my Self.
Today, I am back at this point where PiMOV might change into its very initial state. But today, I have integrated the lessons I did not have initially.
Today, I love and value myself.
Today, I have learned to be me, to connect to the heart and express myself from the inside-out.
Today, I know that whatever I am, I create.
Change comes from within, and not the other way round.
“To attempt to change the world before we change our concept of ourselves is to struggle against nature of things.” ~ Neville Goddard
With lots of love and gratitude, JEM