You are your Purpose
Thank you @unsplash
Where is my purpose?
Have not seen it around for a while
Maybe it is just me being who i am
No matter what i do or where i am.
Unlearning to live in this world
Through the living from the heart
That which i was born with
And forgot by living outside-in.
Beautiful soul, you are still with me
Never left me, even if i had forgotten you
Today, growing into who i am
By listening to the heart.
Observing this clown world
Everything clear as the blue sky
But hidden through the vails of desire
That which i have been taught to see.
Opening my perception
It has been my sole responsibility
For me to grow into my soul
To discover the wonders of life.
Living from the inside-out
Doing miracles to unveil the truth
Observing manipulation and greed
For everyone to return to their soul.
Love is all you are
Nothing else is needed
For you to be your own guru
In integrity for who you are.
The new Earth is waiting for you
Through the wonders of your heart
Nothing else than your purpose to be who you are
In Love, and in togetherness, co-creating the New Earth.
With lots of love, respect and gratitude, jem
#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless 🦋♾
#sociallyconscious #leadership #daretobeyou