jeannette meier

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Society is the Extrapolation of Yourself

Thanks Yasin Yusuf @unsplash

Living in these times of tremendous change, I observe how everything unfolds around me. Every day I am clearer about the need humanity has to regain their freedom to discover the amazing being that they already are. This responsibility remains solely on each of them (us), human-beings, individually.

Many have forgotten about the beauty of being unique, of being their own selves, of being their own gurus. They blindly follow guidelines, imitate or pursue others, not seeing that the richness of existence is being who they already are. Me too, I’ve been there. I know what it is to be there. Today I know that everyone is preciously different and perfectly imperfect. I understand and respect each human being with who they are and with where they stand today. Everyone has their own way and time to grow and expand.

Throughout live, we have learned to forget about who we are; We have been trained to follow others, specially authorities, with no second thoughts; We have been taught to look outside and not within for the answers; We have unlearned to be. The good news is that we are still our own selves deep down under the masks that we have constructed to build our personality. Hidden, there is this amazing being that knows the richness and the freedom that exists in this world through our uniqueness.

Some masks have detached and given a glimpse of what lies underneath: the Power of Being - the freedom to be who you are and create what you love. Once you discover this, there’s no way back. You know that you are solely responsible for yourself; you do not depend on anybody else to grow anymore; it is you who decides for yourself, who respects, values and loves yourself before anyone and anything else.

Society is the extrapolation of yourself: It is the sum of each of the individuals, through who they are and what they create. Society is a mere by-product, it is the result of the construct through each of the individuals, their respect, values, being and doing. Hence, each of you and me contribute to society’s creation and transformation. Each one is equally important; no-one is less or more than anyone else.

Change starts from within: What you create is the outcome of who you are. What surrounds you, depends on you. Your being and doing define the freedom, the values and the respect you have for yourself and for others. Society is your responsibility, as it is mine, equally.

Look within, transform through your own transformation. Learn to be who you already are. Connect with like-minded others to feel safe and free to keep growing as the amazing being that you are. Explore and experience your uniqueness. Practice your expansion through discovering more about you by trying out new ways of doing. Be fearless!

Dare to dream big. Society needs you as who you already are!

With lots of love, JEM