In Responsibility for yourSelf
Thank you @unsplash
You are your body
You are your mind
Listen to your heart
For the wisdom in you to protect your soul.
Your soul whispers to you
To protect your body and mind
In responsibility for who you are
For you to grow into your Self.
No matter what is told to you
No matter what you hear
Turn inside-out
For you to listen to your heart.
Your heart is wise
Your mind recognises your heart
Return to your soul
For you to fulfil your purpose.
Your purpose is to be who you are
Nothing else to search for
In integrity for who you are
For you to thrive into the wonders of life.
You are your own guru
The one in responsibility for yourSelf
In love and in respect
For you to protect your soul.
With lots of love, respect and gratitude, JEM
#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless 🦋♾
#sociallyconscious #leadership #daretobeyou