Break Free
Thank you @unsplash
i am who i am
A divine being like you
Experiencing the world
Though what i am: Love.
i have come here to grow
i have come here to be in relationship with you
i have come here to be love
All the rest is an illusion.
Spirituality is not love and peace
It is to be who you are
It is to be love
It is to express your divinity here and now.
The world is fake
It is what you came to break free
Open your heart to who you are
Expand beyond your five senses.
Everyone can do it
You and i are limited beings
The Universe is in us
For us to escape the illusion.
With lots of love, respect, and gratitude,
#powerofbeing #togetherwearelimitless 🦋♾
#sociallyconscious #leadership